Thursday, September 11, 2008

My New Job

So it seems funny that the blogs have turned political just in time for the season! It is also funny that I happen to have a job working for the Republican Party so close to election time! I figured I'd take some time while I'm here at work to blog. Why, you ask? It's September 11, which means politics pretty much come to a standstill for the day. Our office is still open, but we are required to keep the political tone down today. We can still distribute signs and such, but we aren't making any phone calls or doing any campaigning.
So I really am employed by the Republican Party. My wages are salary between now and November 4th. The salary I'm being paid is actually quite higher than I would have ever expected. If I work 15 hours a week, it equals out to over $10 an hour, which is excellent for a starving college student! My job title here is a "Volunteer Coordinator". Basically, I'm in charge of getting people in here to volunteer for local candidates, state candidates, and even national ones. I'm actually getting some interest from a few students around campus to help out. My other responsibility of the job is to man the office. The other person who has an office here, Bill Caul (our district's state Rep, you may also remember his wife Sandy), is only in a few times a month. So, basically, I'm here by myself. There are two other people who sit in the office, Brent, and a new lady that they just hired full-time. I don't see these people except when we change shifts. While I sit in the office, I am responsible for answering the phone, giving out signs, stickers, etc. to people who come in, and I do any side project that Matt asks me to do. I expect I will be doing some campaign work for Bill Caul soon, he told me back in the winter that I could help out.
So, in a nutshell, that is my job here. It's great to already have my foot in the door with the Republican Party. I love my job so far. This is the first job that I haven't dreaded going to - I even look forward to it!
So I guess that's all for now - hope everyone is doing well!

Please pay your respects today, not only for the victims, but for every American dedicated to preserving our rights and freedoms. Whether you're a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Green Party, Libertarian, or an outsider to politics, we can all respect the sacrifices made every day by countless individuals.


carriegel said...

it sounds like you have a great job.

9 -11 will begin one of those days that people will remember forever, like pearl harbor.

Unknown said...

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard about the attacks on 9/11. That was a bad day for American and should never be forgotten.

With all the money you are making now I shouldn't have to sit by the phone anymore and wait for you to call and ask for money.